Prices of Hostal Garifuna lodging services are 15 US dollars a day per person.
Prices of Restaurant Isiene you can find from restaurant Isiene Menu -page.
Prices of Garifuna adventure tours community tours and other adventures you can find from Hostal Garifuna Minitours and adventures -page.
If your plans are to spend more than one week in Hostal Garifuna, please ask a special discount.
If you have a larger group than six persons, you can have a little discount too of our list lodging prices.
If you decided to pay your visit to our bank account, we give you a little discount according to our visitors packets prices.
Please, tell us in advance, if you have some preferences special needs. We try to do our best to make you have a comfortable stay and enjoy your time with us.
To book your visit, just fill the form Reserve your visit. We will be in contact with you as soon as we can!