Fill this form when you decided to stay with us in Hostal Garifuna. Sometimes we host larger groups and our facilities might be full booked. This is the way to guarantee that you will have room for your visit. Anyhow You must take account, that reservation is valid only when 50 % of the total amount of payment is dispatched to the bank account to Kensy Sambola which is:
BANPRO Nicaragua, Bluefields
Swift code: BAPRNIMA
Number of account: 10022817023261
Of course the easiest way is to make a whole payment in advance. There is a little discount in this case and you don't need to handle cash money in communities, where there is no ATM:s or other bank connections. Unfortunately we are not able to receive payments of credit cards in Orinoco (we are working to make this to happen, but the problem is the slow internet connection of community). If you decided to do so, we give you an offer.
We will send you an e-mail confirmation of your reservation as soon as we can. We take care of your information and we don't use your information for any other purposes.